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Monday, February 20, 2012

Facebook Needs Me!

ME:  Facebook. I don’t have one. All my friends do. WHY?!?! The answer, PARENTS. My mom says that people are going to “Stalk” me and such. All I want to do is post pictures of me and my friends at the movies, out to dinner, etc. And I won’t talk to anyone else! My best friend has one, and she’s friends WITH MY MOM. So, why can’t I have one if she has one? People think “Yay! I have a Facebook! POST BAD PICTURES! POST OTHER PEOPLE’S ADRESSES! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!” It’s like. NO. NO. NO. None of my friends would EVER do that, and I don’t see why some kids aren’t allowed to have one! (I understand if they are doing bad things they would get banned.) Even if I did have a Facebook, the “worst” thing I would do is comment, BANG to a picture of someone doing a “Duck face” face.  (I’m Duck hunting! Durrrrr) Besides, I think Facebook probably needs me…there’s not enough witty banter without me!


  1. Sometimes I dont think facebook is good and sometimes I think it's great. I guess it depends how you use it! ;)

  2. Facebook is now overused and STALKERZ are all over it. I think ur mom is right!!
    I love football player 2
