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Make sure to scroll all the way to the end for Advice from GusVernon!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

To Be ME or Not To Be ME!

ME: We put a poll online asking if you were the same online than in person. The results were mixed. Sometimes I even make myself “cooler” online (As if I even needed to!) Some people can even be MEANER online than in person! They think “Psh. Nobody will get mad!” and they end up being like...a bully or not "like" a bully- just a bully OR the can't belived what they said and now can't take it back!  That one sucks!        
And some people just straight out LIE.  That sucks too! 
As of this blog time- I just got no answers to this one.  Being someone else or being you "with some improvements" online is tempting.  Sometimes, if there is no harm done, it could be OK!  If harm is done, it probably is a bad idea- the trick is to know which is which!

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